First Loves


Working with university students often tingles memories of my younger days. One of which is the subject of first loves. Hearing students pour their hearts out, first love reminds me of the innocence and purity of affectionate feelings experienced the first time. And the fortitude required to make budding relationships work. It can be challenging when two persons are so young and in love.

Managing love and building a fledging self-identity in my twenties was an unforgettable ride. There were lots of unknowns and many mistakes. Through relationships, we experience tremendous personal growth. We are forced to confront our fears. All this, so we can be that better person.

As Valentine’s draws close, I am inspired to celebrate the miracle of meeting special people who have shared my life. I am one of those who believe encounters are serendipitous. Each carries its purpose and meaning, whether the love relationship blossomed or failed.

I often remind myself to keep my heart open, tender and embracing - of all feelings. Lovestruck or heartbreaks, they have made precious imprints.

It’s hard for my student clients to appreciate such lessons when they face heartrending BGR issues. But I hope by listening to their stories, and sharing my own, they will sense my genuine belief in relationships. That relationships are blessings – no matter warts and all, joys and hurts. We will eventually find fulfilling love, the kind that sustains and nurtures. Age is of no consequence if hearts are sincere.

I wish you and my student clients, a beautiful weekend with your Valentine and (or) warm reminiscing of love from old!

Han Li June


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