Taking risk, sprouting hope


2020, was a year not short of surprises. 

I embraced the endings with a good balance of high and low notes. The business that springs up in December with all the festive preparations brought us forward with a hopeful leap for 2021. 
A close reach to the near end, I was struck with deep reflection of how I am planning to live life from 2021 onwards. It left me with an upset stomach. The mischievous grin seemed to fade away and I'm becoming a little more serious & organized the past 2 weeks, a little unlike me. I've gotten a wake up call- not one that rings "NEW YEAR RESOLUTION". But a deepening one. 

In order to get myself on track (and my soul back to my body), I came up with a theme for myself - RESET & BALANCE. I acknowledged that I have neglected some part of me the past 2 years with juggling the responsibilities and tasks which my role has taken. I was too busy getting myself out of a forest filled with many tall trees, bushes, sharp prickly branches, bats and insects. Its inevitable our roles vary and accumulate with time, and that makes it harder to play catch up. I know I will be caught breathless if I don't stay still and start prioritising my time. I am no wonder-woman, and I will have to throw some baggages away. 

We all have a reset button where we seek moments that calls for a change in perception & belief. This year, is a timely reset.  I am ready to be broken down into soil, find new source of nurturance and sprout new sense of hope and direction. A new form courage has birthed. 

And of course with a new train track formed, it does come with new sets of challenges. That's part of growth. I've taken risk in the new year before it even got started by preparing myself for a new structure. It does scares me a little because fresh ideas come with unknown outcomes. As much as the excitement presents new opportunities and collaborations, I'll need to tackle my self-doubt. 

Let's risk it. Otherwise, I will never get to experience this new change.

I'll be hopeful. 



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