In (odd) Circles

In these past months, we have witnessed and experienced the world underwent tremendous amount of changes; from the more apparent public health pandemic, to the quieter one - the emotional, psychological health crisis. During the Circuit Breaker period, which coincided with the end of my academic training as an art therapist, I had the chance to slow down and reflect upon what is going on around the world, my world. 

I picked up where I left off in terms of exercising - having completed my studies and awaiting to start my next phase of life, I found myself having the luxury of time during this interim. The maps above were drawn by my being, stepping across pavements, tracks, and void decks. For short walks, I prefer to stay within my neighbourhood, where the routes are familiar and my body could simply walk on auto-pilot while my mind walks on all sorts of thoughts.

Tracking my walks and runs were initially intended for me to see how far I have gone, but looking at these maps, I realised the marks I have made, simply by moving, and being around. The impact I did to the maps indicative of how, just by being, can mark people and things around me with impressions, whether I am aware of it or not.

While the uncertainties of our world is still looming, I find comfort in knowing that I can continue to move and create impact, albeit in a contained circle.

- Kimo Ong


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